
My work is transdisciplinary, informed by meanderings across contexts, subjects, and theoretical influences. I’m a voracious reader and it all feeds into my practice. Below is a list of some old favorites and recent discoveries. Apologies for the categories, many titles can sit in multiple places.

Latest Inspiration

Elementals (5 Volume Set), edited by Gavin Van Horn & Bruce Jennings, series editors. Nickole Brown & Craig Santos Perez, poetry editors. Published by the Center for Humans and Nature.

In a world gone crazy, I’ve turned to an essay a morning from this series to ground me in the materiality of the world and the beings and flows I share it with. I’m grateful for this series during this storm.

Art & Essays

Climate Disruption

Food and Farming

Indigenous Knowledge


Interconnected Science

Philosophy, Anthropology, and Cultural Theory


